Build Your Dream Career with Busy Blooming

On June 15th, 2023, Shivani spoke at Busy Blooming’s first in-person event for Gen Z and millennial women looking to build their careers in social media and beyond. She gave advice about switching careers, answered questions about working as a content marketer, and how to take of yourself when you feel like you should always be putting work first.

DeGroote School of Business

On March 11th, 2023, Shivani spoke at the Empower Conference held by DeGroote Women in Business. She spoke on the social media panel about her interesting career trajectory from model to journalist, to b2b SaaS marketer, gave advice on how to build a career in marketing, and outlined how she balances her social media between the content pillars of her career, progressive politics, and her everyday life.

Boss Women Collective

On February 13th, 2020, Shivani spoke at a Boss Women Collective event entitled: SELF LOVE & SELF CARE WITH GENERAL ASSEMBLY: GALENTINE'S DAY EDITION! It was held at General Assembly in New York City. It was a lovely panel about topics such as presence, finding your inner strengths, and developing compassion + love for yourself. She spoke in depth about her journey with therapy and how she practices self-care in an industry full of rejection.

Columbia Law School

On March 2nd, 2020, Shivani spoke at Columbia Law School on a panel called: The Faces of Fashion, as a member of the Leadership Council on the Model Alliance. She spoke about worker’s rights for models, financial exploitation and racism in the fashion industry. She also spoke about the importance of the Model Alliance’s RESPECT Program, as the only program in place to provide labour protections for models globally. Click the image to the right to read more about the event!

Slashie Summit

As a panelist for the first ever Slashie Summit powered by Brown Girl Magazine, Shivani spoke on a panel called: Breaking the Career Norm: Here’s How I Became a South Asian Creative Instead. She spoke about her journey to becoming a model as an Indo-Caribbean woman, navigating an unconventional career path. In 2019, she held a workshop at the second Slashie Summit called: Building a Purpose Driven Brand where she spoke about building @liveshivmedia as a purpose-driven brand and taught attendees tools and best practices they could use to do the same with their brands.


New York Times Student Journeys

Along with fellow fashion advocates Ashley Chew and Kimberly Jenkins, Shivani was invited to speak at the New York Times building in New York City on diversity and inclusion in the fashion industry. They spoke to students from all over the world who were a part of the New York Times Student Journeys program and were interviewed by the editor of the Style section.

CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies

On March 5th, 2020, Shivani spoke on a panel called: FROM THE FIELDS TO THE RUNWAY: Women Workers Fighting to End Sexual Assault with the Model Alliance and the Coalition of Immokalee Workers. She spoke about the importance of Worker Driven Responsibility as the only way for non-unionized workers to guarantee their rights and protections on the job.